Prof. Jaroslav Sterba

Professor of Oncology and Pediatrics

Prof. Jaroslav Sterba  specialized in Oncology

Czech Republic

Pediatric Oncology
1987 years
English, Czech, Polish, Russian

Areas of expertise

  • Pediatric oncology
  • Hematology
  • Supportive care in oncology
  • Early clinical trials
  • Pediatric Metronomic Chemotherapy
  • Precision/personalized therapy

About the expert

Jaroslav Sterba, is a professor of pediatrics and Oncology and the Head of Pediatric Oncology Department in the Children’s University Hospital, Brno, Czech Republic since 1998. He is also the Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Masaryk University Brno, Czech Republic.

    Jaroslav Sterba, is a professor of pediatrics and Oncology. Prof. Sterba is the Head of Pediatric Oncology Department in the Children’s University Hospital, Brno, Czech Republic since 1998. He is also the Vice-Dean, Faculty of Medicine, Masaryk University Brno, Czech Republic.

    He was the chairman of the Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma (NHL) committee of the International BFM group. BFM is a globally renowned group conducting research on paediatric leukaemias and lymphomas.

    Additionally, Prof. Sterba is a member of a number of well-respected international associations and groups, including the Children´s Oncology Group (COG) (international associate member), European Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation. (EBMT), and the International Society of paediatric oncology (SIOP).

    Prof. Sterba is particularly interested in metronomic chemotherapy in children and has published the first European pediatric trial (COMBAT) in 2006 which was since improved. Beside, he organized the first Workshop in Metronomic Chemotherapy and differentiating therapies in children and adolescents in Brno in 2008.

    He has published over 100 full length articles in international journals with impact factor, H index 30 with over 4000 citations.

  • Director/CEO

    2020 - Today

    University Hospital Brno, Czech republic

  • Visiting professor

    2019 - 2019

    Fiona Elsey Cancer Research Institute, Ballarat, Australia

  • Vice-Dean

    2010 - Today

    School of Medicine, Masaryk University Brno, Czech

  • Chairman

    2007 - 2011

    NHL committee of the International BFM study group

  • Professor of oncology

    2007 - Today

    Masaryk´s University, Faculty of Medicine, Brno, Czech republic

  • Visiting Professor of Pediatric Hematology and Oncology

    2006 - 2006

    Montreal Children´s Hospital, Canada

  • Head of Pediatric Oncology Department

    1998 - Today

    University Children’s Hospital Brno, Czech rep.

  • Visiting Physician

    1997 - 1997

    Pediatric Oncolgy Dpt., John Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, USA

  • Visiting Physician

    1996 - 1996

    Pediatric Oncology Dpt. University of California San Francisco, USA

  • Pediatric oncologist, senior registrar, acting consultant

    1995 - 1997

    Medical oncology dpt. Kuwait Cancer Control Center, KUWAIT

  • Visiting physician

    1991 - 1991

    Dpt. of Pediatric Hematology and Oncology Great Ormond Street Hospital , London,UK

  • Professor of oncology

    Masaryk University (Czechia)


  • Ph.D. in clinical oncology

    Masaryk´s University, School of Medicine Brno, Czech Republic


  • Bachelor Degree of Medicine and Surgery

    Masaryk´s University, School of Medicine Brno, Czech Republic


  • Czech medical society J.E. Purkyně

  • International Society of Pediatric Oncology - SIOP

  • European Blood and Marrow Transplant Group

  • Children´s Oncology Group USA (COG) (International Associate Member)

  • Pediatric committee of the European Medicine Agency, Amsterdam, Holand.

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